I love being able to include my kids in DIY so when my daughter and I were eyeing this LED wall light from Pottery Barn, I just knew I had to make one. I wasn’t about to spend $150 on one so check out how I DIY’d this for just $25!
Scroll to see what my dupe looks like!

What You’ll Need:
- LED Strip lights
- 1×2 primed pine board
- Scrap wood or wider board
- Spray Paint
- Table Saw (optional)
- Miter Saw
- Jigsaw
- Electrical Tape
- Nail Gun and/or Hammer and Nails
- Wood Glue
- Wood Filler
How To Make The LED Wall Light:
First, we taped out the design above her headboard where we planned on putting it. In other words, doing this gave me a guide to determine overall size and the cuts I would need to make. My longest pieces were 17″ and my shorter ones were 12.5″. Next, I ripped a 1×2 in half to get some skinny pieces. You don’t necessarily have to do this step, the 1×2 would look great as is, however this also allowed me to use less wood and achieve a thinner design.

Next, I cut the long skinny pieces of wild to the desired lengths with my miter saw. These will end up being the “sun beam” parts of my LED wall light. This was a great opportunity to get my 10 year old to put down the electronics and pick up a tool!
The hardest part of this project was cutting the curved semi-circle portion of my sun. I grabbed some scrap plywood, traced a bucket, and cut it out with my jigsaw.

Then I assembled the sun using my brad nailer and wood glue, filled my nail holes and seams, and then had my daughter give it a coat of white spray paint.

Adding the LED Lights:
Finally, I nailed the finished wooden sun to the wall and began attaching the LED strip lights. They have sticky tape on the back so this was easy. I just made sure to go all the way around the inside and outside of the sun and return to the same place I started.
There were some lights than ran down the wall to the outlet and I really wanted this to look like a stand-alone fixture. Therefore I covered it with black electrical tape and then painted it the same color as the wall. Its like it was never even there!

This Pottery Barn Dupe turned out SO CUTE and my daughter loves the color changing LED lights. In addition, the LED strip lights come with both a remote and phone app so she can customize the colors and light patterns.
Let me know what you think!

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